Peripheral blood, bone marrow and effusions should be collected in EDTA tubes.
FNAB from lymph nodes, organs or masses should be collected in culture medium (added with FCS and sodium azide) or in saline (better if added with a few drops of autologous serum). Spleen aspirates: collect an aliquote in EDTA tube if they are highly diluted with blood.
CSF samples should be collected in empty tubes and added with autologous serum in a ratio of 1:10 (9 parts of CSF + 1 part of serum); if possible, also send an aliquot without serum.
Urine: centrifuge at low speed and re-suspend the sediment in culture medium or autologous serum

Put an ice-pack in the package for shipping taking care not to leave it in direct contact with the sample tubes.
Samples must be delivered to the laboratory by 12 pm on the day following collection.
Address for sending samples:
att. Poggi / Riondato
Largo Braccini 2
10095 Grugliasco (TO)
P.Iva: 11142540019
tel. +39 3516705959